Our Staff Who we are

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Our team - all Sicilian - is made up of a bunch of sportsmen and enthusiasts, guides and instructors, including professionals in the fields of biology, geology, languages and archeology.

So assorted our staff is always able to deal in the best way with the management of groups of people even inexperienced, from the sea to the mountains, through a very well known variegated territory.

Obviously responsibility, manners, education and courtesy are at the basis of any relationship and are part of our tools, as well as experience, reliability and professionalism.

Francesco Petralia
Company Owner - Guide - Coach

EPP Coach level 4 with the Italian Federation
BCU 4 star Sea Kayak Leader - AIGAE guide

Gianfranco Liotta
Associate Guide

BCU 3 Star Sea Kayak
Hiking Guide

Elio Crocetta
Associate Instructor

EPP Instructor Level 2 with the Italian coaching system "Pagaia Azzurra"

Barbara Sgarlata
Associate Instructor

EPP Instructor level 1 with the Italian Federation

Giorgio Finocchiaro
Associate Instructor, Guide

EPP Instructor level 1 with the Italian Federation
MTB Guide & Mechanic

Antonio Alicata
Associate Instructor, Guide

EPP Instructor level 1 with the Italian Federation
Hiking guide, Biologist

See also Sea Kayak Sicily webpage